By: Ryan Malone
Published: 07/12/2019
At PDH Now and Engineer Educators, our dedication and continued focus is to enhance and grow the knowledge base of practicing licensed professional engineers in North America (United States & Canada). We offer interactive online engineering related courses in Civil Engineering, Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Chemical Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Structural Engineering, Computer Engineering, which enable licensed professional engineers to further their educational development and satisfy state or providence engineering board requirements. Our staff of instructors understand and know what engineers need to maintain their licenses regardless if its professional development hours (PDH), Continuing Professional Development (CPD), Continuing Professional Competency (CPC), Continuing Education Unit (CEU); we will guide our students and satisfy these requirements with our online engineering courses and help the PE complete and continue his engineering training. Our professional administered courses are written and instructed by actively licensed professional engineers from a multitude of area of practice backgrounds. We also present guidelines and tips for every state board from our extensive background and our contacts with each state’s engineering board. Our expertise in engineering education exceeds anything online. When it comes to professional engineering continuing education: We work hard for the PE.